The Food and Feed Safety Division's Information Desk is available for questions or complaints on food and feed safety. Call 651-201-6222, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm. After hours, you may call 651-201-6027, leave a message, and someone will return your call. If you prefer, you may use the form below to register your complaint.

The Food and Feed Safety Division, or delegated local health agency, has jurisdiction over grocery and convenience stores, bakeries, meat markets, wholesale food manufacturing plants. The Minnesota Department of Health or local health agency, licenses and inspects restaurants, cafes, and alcoholic beverage establishments. If a facility is not licensed by us, we will refer it to the proper local, state or federal agency that has jurisdiction.

If your complaint is a food emergency, please contact the State Duty Officer at 1-800-422-0798.

If you have a pesticide misuse complaint, please use the Pesticide Misuse Complaint Form.

* indicates required field

The information collected on this form will be used by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to assess whether certain entities regulated by the MDA are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Submission of this information is voluntary; you are under no legal obligation to provide us with this information. The information will be reviewed and may lead to an investigation of the entity/entities that are the subject of this complaint, as well as possible enforcement by the MDA. The MDA may contact you in regards to your complaint if necessary. Should you decline to provide the MDA with relevant information, there will be no consequence to you but it may hinder MDA in our mission to protect the safety of food and feed in Minnesota. Some of the information provided herein (such as any information that identifies an individual complainant) will be classified as private or confidential data at the time of its collection; this information will be used and shared only with MDA staff and contractors who require access to the information as part of their duties. In certain circumstances, it may also be shared with entities outside of MDA as permitted by state or federal law, including but not limited to the Office of the Minnesota Attorney General, law enforcement, and other state and federal agencies who require the information to promote public health or safety, or to dispel widespread rumor or unrest.  Other information provided herein, such as the nature of the complaint and the identity of the (allegedly) offending business will, in most cases, become public at the time any resulting investigation becomes inactive. 

Complaint Information

Did anyone become ill?

Status message

If someone became ill as a result of the food in this complaint, please contact the foodborne illness hotline at 1-877-FOOD-ILL (1-877-366-3455) or visit the Reporting Suspected Foodborne and Waterborne Illness website. While you are welcome to enter the remaining information in this form, there is no need to do so if you contact the foodborne illness hotline.

Establishment and/or Product Information

Contact Information

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