The application period for this program is closed.

The AGRI Urban Agriculture Grant Program encourages urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development within the city limits of urban or peri-urban areas.

Grants help organizations and communities obtain the materials and services necessary to successfully promote urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development.
four BIPOC kids holding carrots pulled from raised bed gardens

Applicant eligibility

The following groups are eligible to apply:

  • For-profit businesses
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Schools or school districts serving preschool or K-12 students
  • Local government entities
  • Native American tribal communities

Project eligibility

Eligible grant projects must directly support the goals of promoting urban youth agricultural education or urban agriculture community development. Projects must be located in or serve communities that meet one of the following criteria:

  • Cities with a population over 5,000, or
  • Located within the boundaries of federally recognized tribal land and serving tribal community members, regardless of population size.

You'll find a list of eligible cities and tribal areas in the Request for Proposals.

Eligible grant expenses include but aren't limited to the purchase and installation of equipment; capital expenditures (costs incurred to make physical improvements to or construct a facility); personnel (staff/contractor) time; transportation costs; and translation costs.

Amounts available

A total of $1.87 million is available in Fiscal Year 2025. Applicants may request between $5,000 and $75,000 per project. A cash match is not required.


The application period for this program closed on January 30, 2025. Details on this page and in the 2025 Request for Proposals (PDF) apply to the past round of funding.

Contact us if you need this information in an alternative format.