Here are some common questions about the County Fair Grant program. If you have questions that are not addressed here, email them to with "County Fair Questions" in the subject line.
How will I know if my application was received?
We will email a confirmation after receiving your online application. If you email your application to us, we’ll send a confirmation by the end of the next business day.
Can I use AGRI or Legacy grant funds to repair public bathrooms?
No. Grant funds cannot reimburse projects that benefit the general public, such as improvements to restrooms, public roads, or a fairground administrative office.
If there’s an error in my application or my proposal doesn’t comply with the legislative objectives, will someone at the MDA notify me? What is the next step?
Within one month of submitting your application, we will notify you if it’s approved, rejected, or if portions of proposal need to be amended or clarified.
Can I apply for multiple projects that equal more than the grant maximum?
Yes. Submitting multiple projects in one application, even if the projects aren't similar, is allowed. You should clearly summarize the projects, describe how each project impacts the community, and offer a detailed budget for each project.
What if my project costs more than the grant maximum?
As long as you have enough funding from other sources, you can apply for a project that costs more than the grant maximum. Use the additional budget notes section of the application to specify how much you have in matching dollars and the source. Note, we can't fund projects that won't be completed during the grant period, so you must have matching dollars.
How specific do I have to be on the application about my proposal(s)?
Be as specific as you can. Even if you aren't certain of the exact collaborators, list potential names so we have a better sense of what you’re hoping to achieve. It’s also best if you research prices so your project doesn’t go over or under budget (to prevent having to amend the contract).
Can I collaborate with other organizations in my community?
Yes, county fairs are encouraged to work with other organizations. For example, University of Minnesota Extension, 4-H, and FFA often collaborate with county fairs.
Can the outside of a building be painted?
If a building needs to be painted to protect against weather damage or to maintain the structural integrity of the building, then the project can be funded. If a building is to be painted exclusively for aesthetic reasons (i.e., so one building matches all the others around it), then the project cannot be funded.
Can signs be funded?
It depends on the sign. We can’t fund manufactured signs for the general public such as explaining how to navigate the grounds or how to get to the fair. We can fund signs that support agriculture, Minnesota arts, or the state’s history or agricultural or cultural heritage.
Can I hire performers or artists from outside of Minnesota for county fair Legacy performances or demonstrations?
If you are hiring performers or dancers, members must be from Minnesota. If acts include multiple performers, the members must primarily be from Minnesota. Artists offering demonstrations do not have to be from Minnesota, but the demonstrations must clearly relate to Minnesota’s arts or Minnesota’s agricultural, historical, or cultural heritage.