In order to Apply or Renew a license online, we suggest you use Internet Explorer version 11 or higher, Firefox version 52 or higher, Safari version 10 or higher. We are currently experiencing issues with Google Chrome, version 57 and higher, and you may experience issues with this browser. All older browsers are currently not supported due to security issues with those browsers.

Important Notice: New License and Permit Surcharge

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our services, the MDA is introducing a surcharge (MINN. STAT. 17.033) on certain licenses and permits. This surcharge is an application processing charge that will be added to applications and renewals for 2025 and beyond. The surcharge will be calculated as 5% of the license or permit fee, with a minimum charge of $5.

The surcharge is supporting the modernization of our technology systems, which will provide better online services and more efficient processing of applications. The collected funds will be dedicated to upgrading our electronic systems, making it easier for you to interact with us and access the services you need.

How to use this table
This table contains links to the url where you can find the information you need to learn about, apply, renew or train regarding a Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) license. First, locate the title of the license, registration, certification, permit, etc. for which you would like information. In the same row, you will find active links to URLs that will detail that information. The links could be links on this site, or links to external MDA web applications. About links provide a URL to information to learn about a license. Apply links provide a URL to find the information needed to apply for a specific license. Renew links provide a URL to find the information or process needed to renew a license. Train links provide a URL to find the information needed to find training about a license.
Learn About, Apply, Renew or Train for a License
License Title Category Learn Apply Renew Train
Cottage Food Producer Registration Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale, Feed, Pet Food About
Food Broker License Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Food Certificate for Export/Certificate of Free Sale Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Dairy, Milk, Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Retail Food Handler Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Retail Mobile Food Handler Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Special Event Food Stand License Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Wholesale Food Handler Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Wholesale Food Processor Manufacturer USDA Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About
Wholesale Food Processor/Manufacturer Food – Cottage, Retail, Wholesale About