Minnesota Department of Agriculture Plants, Insects Pest Management Pest Surveys Pest Surveys and Research Learn about early detection and survey efforts for invasive pests. Pathways Survey The pathways survey monitors for invasive pests and pathogens in local agriculture. Commodities Survey Learn about invasive insects and pathogens that pose a threat to Minnesota's commodities. Potato Cyst Nematode The MDA conducts cyst nematode surveys. Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm Survey The Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm Survey monitors for invasive pests in Minnesota nurseries and Christmas tree farms to aid early detection. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug The MDA has a joint project with the University of Minnesota to facilitate monitoring for BMSB. Spongy Moth Program Discover how the MDA tracks spongy moth populations. Japanese Beetle Certification Japanese beetle certification can be obtained via several methods. Report a Pest Report a Pest relies on the public reporting potential threats to Minnesota’s forests and crops.