The Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Program supports the advancement of Minnesota’s agricultural and renewable energy industries. AGRI has made significant economic impacts by increasing productivity, improving efficiency, and assisting the development of agricultural products.
The MDA currently offers the following AGRI programs:
- Biofuels Infrastructure Grant
- Bioincentive Program
- County Fair Grant
- Crop Research Grant
- Beginning Farmer Farm Business Management Scholarship
- Farm to School and Early Care Programs
- Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices Certification Cost-Share
- Livestock Investment Grant
- Make It Minnesota Cost-Share
- Meat, Poultry, Egg, and Milk Processing Grant
- Minnesota Pavilions
- Preparing for Extreme Weather (Prepare) Grant
- Protecting Livestock from Avian Influenza (Protect) Grant
- Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant
- Urban Agriculture Grant
- Value-Added Grant