The 2001 Minnesota Legislature required that any pesticide application made to golf course property must be made by an applicator licensed in the appropriate pesticide use category (Minnesota Statute 18B.345). Beginning August 1, 2016, legislative changes were made to golf course pesticide application licensing requirements. Golf course employees are no longer required to hold pesticide applicator certifications for every site of application on golf course property. Additional category certifications are only required when the applications are done commercially or with restricted use pesticides.
Golf course employees should now seek or maintain certification in the category where training best aligns with the work they do most often. In most situations, individuals will be licenses as noncommercial applicators with certifications in categories A (Core) and E (Turf and Ornamentals).
Pesticide applicator tests are specific for each use category and are offered in MDA's St. Paul office and Greater Minnesota locations.
Study materials are available through the University of Minnesota Bookstore at 612-301-3989.
The applicator also must complete an application form, provide proof of financial responsibility (if applying for a commercial license) and pay the fees.