The application period for this program is closed.
The Organic Certification Cost-Share program helps farmers and handlers with the cost of obtaining organic certification.
Who is eligible?
Organic farmers and handlers who are currently certified to the USDA National Organic Program
- If your operation’s certificate has been suspended, revoked, or withdrawn, you are not eligible for this program.
- If you operate in more than one state, apply to the state where your farm or facility is physically located. This is usually listed on your organic certificate.
If you are transitioning to organic, see our Minnesota Transition to Organic Cost-Share program.
How much is available?
The cost-share reimburses 75% of allowed certification costs paid between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024. There is a maximum payment of $750 per category or “scope” of certification (crops, livestock, handling, and wild harvest).
- For example, if you are a farm certified for both crops and livestock or you are a processor with two different certified facilities, you are eligible for a payment up to $1,500 (but you only have to submit one application form.)
We have approximately $210,000 available for cost-share program reimbursements this year. We process applications as they come in (first-come, first-served) until the application deadline or the funds are gone, whichever is first.
Allowable costs
- Application fees
- Inspection costs
- Certification costs – including fees necessary to access international markets
- User fees and sales assessments
- Postage
Unallowable costs
- Inspections due to violations of USDA Organic regulations
- Charges related to non-USDA Organic certifications
- Transitional certification costs
- Charges related to other labeling programs
- Materials, supplies, and equipment
- Late fees
- Membership fees
- Consultant fees
How to apply
The application period for this program closed on October 31, 2024. Details on this page apply to the past round of funding.
Note: If you don’t want to apply with the MDA for this cost-share program, you can apply with your local USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. Use the Service Center Locator to find an office near you.
Funding for this program is provided by and contingent upon funds from cooperative agreement USDA-FSA-SND-NOCCSP-24-NOFO0001411 between the USDA Farm Service Agency and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.