Any Private Pesticide Applicator in Minnesota using fumigants in an on-farm operation for stored grain (Non-Soil Fumigation) or to fumigate a field (Soil Fumigation) must be a currently certified private pesticide applicator that is 18 years of age or older and also obtain either a Non-Soil Fumigation Endorsement or a Soil Fumigation Endorsement for Private Pesticide Applicator Certification.

Fumigant labels require applicators to comply with specified safety practices and required personal protective equipment. Applicators must follow fumigant label use directions to minimize health and environmental risks. Good grain storage practices can reduce the need to fumigate stored grain. Purchase of fumigants requires proof of Private Applicator Certification and Fumigation Endorsement.

The Environmental Protection Agency has reclassified all soil fumigants into the restricted use category. Soil fumigation use in Minnesota is limited to just a few active ingredients.

Applicator Certification

When a Private Pesticide Applicator Certification expires a person must retest or attend a recertification workshop and pay fees to renew.

Receiving Endorsement

To receive a private Non-Soil or Soil Endorsement, you must pass a closed book test administered by an MDA approved testing partner.  This endorsement expires along with the date of your Private Pesticide Applicator certification, regardless of when the endorsement is acquired. 

Re-endorsement: A person can recertify for an endorsement by retesting. Fumigation re-endorsement is the same as the initial endorsement. There is a $5.00 charge to reprint identification cards with new dates of endorsement. 

Things To Know

Before purchasing any fumigant, you must read  and follow all label instructions. Fumigant labels identify what you must do in order to apply the product effectively and in order to minimize health and environmental risk. Labels will specify the required Personal Protective Equipment and whether a Fumigant Management Plan is needed. See the links below for additional information.

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