Discovery farms are currently located at several sites across Minnesota. The network is expected to grow, over time, to include farms that represent the diversity of agricultural operations in Minnesota. The Discovery Farms Minnesota website has additional information for both core farms and graduated farms. Core Farms are located in McLeod, Redwood, and Wright counties.

Current as of November 2022. RW1, ST2 and WA1 are all paired watersheds
County | Farm Enterprise | Start of Project | Monitoring Setup |
Goodhue (GO1) |
Swine farrow to wean and beef (corn-alfalfa) | Sept. 2010 (end Sept. 2017) |
Surface runoff (6.3 acres) |
Stearns (ST1) |
Dairy (corn-alfalfa) | March 2011 (end Sept. 2020) |
Surface runoff (28.2 acres) and subsurface drainage tile (24.8 acres) |
Chisago (CH1) |
Grain (corn-alfalfa) | March 2011 (end Sept. 2016) |
Surface runoff (6.1 acres) |
Blue Earth (BE1) |
Swine finishing and grain (corn-soybean) | June 2011 (end Sept. 2017) |
Surface runoff (14.3 acres) and subsurface drainage tile (26.2 acres) |
Wright (WR1) |
Dairy (corn-alfalfa) | Dec. 2011 | Surface runoff and subsurface drainage tile (23.9 acres) |
Renville (RE1) |
Grain (corn-soybean-sweet corn-peas) | Dec. 2011 (end Sept. 2020) |
Subsurface drainage tile (81 acres) |
Dodge (DO1) |
Swine finishing and grain (corn-soybean) | Oct. 2012 (end Sept. 2020) |
Surface runoff and subsurface drainage tile (13.9 acres) |
Wilkin (WI1) |
Grain (corn-soybean) | Oct. 2012 (end Sept. 2018) |
Subsurface drainage tile (160 acres) |
Norman (NO1W) |
Grain (sugarbeet-corn-dry bean-soybean-wheat) | Oct. 2012 (end Sept. 2020) |
Subsurface drainage tile (570.8 acres) |
Rock (RO1) |
Beef and grain (corn, soybean and alfalfa) | Oct. 2013 (end Sept. 2019) |
Surface runoff (25.5 acres) |
McLeod (MC1) |
Grain (corn-soybean) | Spring 2017 | Surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage (56.7 acres) |
Redwood (north) (RW1N) |
Grain (corn-soybean) | Spring 2017 | Surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage (12.2 acres) |
Redwood (south) (RW1S) |
Grain (corn-soybean) | Spring 2017 | Surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage (10.2 acres) |
Stearns (ST2E) |
Grain (corn-soybean-small grain) | Fall 2022 | Surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage (1.7 acres) |
Stearns (ST2W) |
Grain (corn-soybean-small grain) | Fall 2022 | Surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage (2.1 acres) |
Discovery Farms Minnesota Partners
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