Here are some common questions about the Produce Safety Mini-Grant. If you have questions that are not addressed here, please email them to with "Mini-Grant Inquiry" in the subject line. We will post all questions and answers on this page.
Last updated 03/16/2025 at 5:00 pm Central Time
Yes, previous awardees may apply again this year.
Application Submission Process
The application and supporting documents can be submitted through one of the following options:
- Online. Supporting documentation can be uploaded via the webform along with the application.
- Email. The application and supporting documentation can be emailed as attachments to:
- Mail. The application and supporting documentation can be mailed to:
- Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Attention: Produce Safety Program - Mini-Grant, 625 Robert Street North, Saint Paul, MN 55155
Supporting documents can be submitted as:
- Scan(s) of the document(s)
- Digital photograph(s) of the document(s)
Note: Do not submit original documents as they will not be returned. If you do not have access or ability to scan or photograph the documents, please contact your local Extension office or library; they may be able to assist.
No, your grant application and all supporting documents should be submitted via the same method and at one time.
Selection Process
If you are eligible in more than one funding category, your application will be included in the randomized selection for each round that your application qualifies for.
Example: An applicant's farm was confirmed to be fully covered and subject to routine inspection under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule in 2024. The applicant has also attended a Produce Safety Rule Grower Training.
This application would be entered in the selection round for farms that were confirmed to be fully covered in 2024. If not selected/awarded, they would then be entered into next selection round they are eligible for (the training round, in this case). If not selected/awarded, they would then be entered into the 4th and final round. This round consists of all remaining eligible applicants that haven't been awarded in a previous round.
Depending on what funding categories an application qualifies under, an application could be included in at minimum 1 round but maximum 4 rounds.
To be considered for funding under the training category you must submit documentation that indicates you or a member of your farm has:
- Attended a FSMA Produce Safety Rule Grower Training, or
- Attended a GAPs training hosted by the University of Minnesota Extension. The University of Minnesota Extension only issues certificates of attendance for GAPs trainings that are minimum half-day (3+ hours) in length. or,
- Attended a GAPs training hosted by Cornell University
- If you attended a Grower Training hosted by the MDA and no longer have a copy of your certificate of attendance for a Produce Safety Rule Grower Training, please contact the Produce Safety Program.
- If you attended a Grower Training hosted by another state, please contact to obtain a copy of your certificate.
- If you no longer have a copy of your certificate of attendance for a GAPs training (minimum half-day, 3+ hours) hosted by the University of Minnesota Extension, please submit a letter or an email from the University of Minnesota Extension staff verifying you have attended the training. Please contact Annalisa Hultberg at or 612-625-1951.
Grower Questionnaire and Farm Status
No. If you were eligible for an exemption under the Produce Safety Rule in 2024, your farm does not qualify for the mini-grant funding category of farms that were confirmed to be fully covered and subject to routine inspection in 2024.
Please contact the Produce Safety Program to verify you have previously filled out a Grower Questionnaire. You also have the option to newly complete the 2025 Grower Questionnaire at the time of your application.
We understand the inconvenience of having to submit similar information in multiple places. However, in order to maintain data privacy, we are asking you to submit your mini-grant application separately from your Grower Questionnaire. If we used the data from your questionnaire response for the mini-grant application, all of your questionnaire data could become public.
Eligible Expenses
A wash station may be considered an eligible expense if it is portable. Permanent fixtures are not eligible for reimbursement under this grant.
No, stainless steel tables and shelving are not eligible expenses under the current mini grant.
No. Permanent fixtures, or repairs to permanent fixtures, are not eligible for reimbursement under this grant.
No, renting or buying a porta potty is not an eligible expense. All expenses must fit under the following categories in order to be eligible:
- Water testing for generic E. coli
- Market containers
- Supplies to build or purchase a portable handwashing station
- Supplies to build or purchase a portable produce washing station
- Sanitizer used for wash water and food contact surfaces
- Waxed boxes
- Harvest totes
- Carts and pull wagons
No, expenses associated with the cost of receiving a USDA GAP audit are not eligible expenses for the mini-grant. There are alternative funding sources that may assist with that type of expense, however. The MDA offers a Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) Certification Cost-Share Program. The USDA’s Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops Program may also be an option.