The following information is adapted from a PowerPoint presentation created by Tim Wagar, Former Regional Minnesota Extension Educator

Definition of Ag Liming Material

  • Contains Ca and Mg compounds that can neutralize soil acidity
  • Limestone
  • Quicklime
  • Hydrated lime
  • Marl
  • Shells
  • Byproducts

Agricultural Limestone

  • Mixture of Calcite (CaCO3) and Dolomite (CaCO3 + MgCO3)
  • Calcite: 40% Ca and 0-0.6% Mg
  • Dolomite: 21.7% Ca and 13.1% Mg
  • Ca:Mg ratio of crops is closer to that of dolomite

Agricultural Limestone Quality

  • Laboratory measurement of chemical effectiveness: % Total Neutralizing Power (% TNP)
  • Particle size from crushing/grinding (Fineness Index)
  • (Fineness Index) X (% TNP) = % Effective Neutralizing Power
  • (% ENP) X (2000 lbs) X (% Dry matter) = Pounds of Effective Neutralizing Power/ton

Liming Materials - Winona County, 1991

Lime ENP Application (lb/acre)  pH  Exch Ca (ppm) Exch Mg (ppm) Ca/Mg Ratio*
Check - 6.3 2412 292 8.26
Dolomite 3594 6.4 2463 343 7.18
Calcite 2988 6.7 2791 310 9.00
Dolomite + 400 lb 3594 6.6 2414 419 5.77

*4.33 is the "Ideal Ratio"

Liming Materials Yield - Winona County, 1991

Lime ENP Applied (lb/acre) Yield* (Ton D.M./acre)
Check - 2.6
Dolomite 3594 2.6
Calcite 2988 2.5
Dolomite + 400 lb 3594 2.6

*2 cuttings

Ag Lime Effects on Alfalfa, Rochester Center Plots - 2000

ENP Applied
0 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
1750 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
3500 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
5250 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
Calcite 0 1.82 2.37 2.24 2.29
Calcite 300     2.09  
Dolom 0   2.36 2.30 2.46
Dolom 300     2.30  

Ca:Mg Ratio - 4.1

Ag Lime Effects on Alfalfa - 2001

ENP Applied
0 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
1750 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
3500 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
5250 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
Calcite 0 3.23 3.63 3.62 3.53
Calcite 300     3.61  
Dolom 0   3.73 3.62 3.51
Dolom 300     3.72  

Ag Lime Effects on Alfalfa - 2002

ENP Applied
0 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
1750 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
3500 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
ENP Applied
5250 lb/acre
(ton D.M./acre)
Calcitic 0 3.92 4.08 4.19 4.26
Calcitic 300     4.04  
Dolom 0   4.08 4.04 4.2
Dolom 300     4.11  


  • No agronomic evidence that Mg levels in dolomite lime are detrimental to alfalfa
  • Should be more concerned about introducing grass tetany in cattle from forages grown on soil with the exclusive use of calcitic lime
  • No agronomic or economic reason to "import" purported calcitic lime