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St. Paul street lined with infested ash trees
Emerald ash borer infested trees along boulevard in St. Paul, MN. MDA, 2009.


Resources for Hiring a Tree Care Professional

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) recommends using the Tree Care Registry to begin your search for tree care companies. All tree care providers including companies and persons that provide tree care or trimming services and/or who remove trees, limbs, branches, brush or shrubs for hire in Minnesota are required by state statute to register with the MDA. If you cannot find a specific provider on this list, they are not registered as a Tree Care Service in Minnesota. 

In addition to checking the Tree Care Registry, there are additional steps you can take to ensure that a service provider is properly licensed and insured. Use MDA's Tree Care Checklist when searching for a company. Visit the University of Minnesota Extension page for more information on hiring a tree care company or visit your local communities website to see if they have a list of tree care companies licensed to work in your community.

Whether hiring a tree care professional or performing the work yourself, MDA recommends following the Best Management Practices for EAB.

Resources for Identifying EAB

Resources for Protecting your Ash Tree with Insecticides

Resources for Ash Waste Disposal

Ash Waste Disposal Locations

Resources for EAB and Firewood Regulations in Minnesota

How to Report EAB

You can report EAB to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture several ways.

1.) Contact Report A Pest via our online reporting formemail or by leaving a detailed phone message at 1-888-545-6684. 

2.) Login or create an EDDMapS account and submit a report.