The Minnesota Department of Agriculture, with help from partner agencies, has published a comprehensive document on methods for managing emerald ash borer (EAB). It provides communities and other entities responsible for managing ash trees in landscaped areas with guidelines for slowing the growth and spread of EAB into new areas of Minnesota not yet infested. Included in the document are strategies for communities that aren't currently known to be infested, communities where EAB is a recent arrival and those that are heavily infested.
Guidelines to Slow the Growth and Spread of Emerald Ash Borer (PDF)
Historic Grant Funding - DNR Community Forestry
Beginning July 31, 2023, The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will have $16.946 million in funding available to provide grants to local units of government and non-profit organizations within Minnesota to assist in managing urban and community forests.
Please visit the DNR Community Forestry program page to learn more about these grant programs.
Minnesota Tree Care Registry
All companies and persons that provide tree care or tree trimming services and/or who remove trees, limbs, branches, brush or shrubs for hire must register with Minnesota's Tree Care Registry. This includes public, private, and government entities. Only one registration is required for each company or franchise; branch locations should be listed on the registration.
Community Forestry Initiative from Climate Impact Corps (AmeriCorps)
Learn about a new opportunity to host a Community Forestry member in your community to help with things like tree inventory, tree planting, gravel bed nursery design/construction, and emerald ash borer management plan development. Visit Climate Impact Corps Community Forestry Initiative for more information and look over the Guide to Partnering with Climate Impact Corps.
Minnesota GreenCorps Program (AmeriCorps)
The Minnesota GreenCorps program, coordinated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), aims to preserve and protect Minnesota's environment while training a new generation of environmental professionals. Visit the Minnesota GreenCorps program to learn more.
General EAB Resources
Online Video Resources
Resources for Insecticide Use
Outreach Material Available Upon Request
Material Available for Request in Hard Copies
Wallet sized EAB identification cards (waterproof)
Homeowner Guide to Insecticide Selection (PDF)
Insects Commonly Confused with EAB (PDF)
Recognizing Insect Galleries in Ash (PDF)
Emerald Ash Borer Insecticide: Label Guidance for Use Limits (PDF)
Emerald Ash Borer Door Hanger Sample (PDF)
Emerald Ash Borer Door Hanger Print (PDF)
Loan Materials Available for Use at Events
EAB shadow box display
EAB wood sample with gallery
EAB adults and larvae in vials
How to Report EAB
You can report EAB to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture several ways.
1.) Contact Report A Pest via email or by leaving a detailed phone message at 1-888-545-6684.
2.) Send a report through the Great Lakes Early Detection Network App.
3.) Login or create an EDDMapS Midwest account and submit a report.