Farm Couple Retreats allow couples to get away from everyday farm work and focus on a farm or family issue, set goals, and seek ways to attain those goals. The retreats include networking with other farming couples, short lectures, group activities, and partner exercises.
Instructors for the retreats include Monica Kramer McConkey, Emily Krekelberg, Jim Salfer, and Leah Bischof.
Registration is limited to the first 10 farming couples that register. There are three sessions in 2022: January 21-22 in Faribault, February 4-5 in St. Cloud, and February 11-12 in Thief River Falls.
This work is supported by the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Program from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (award number 2021-70035-35461). Project partners are the Minnesota Dairy Initiative, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and University of Minnesota Extension.