Program Overview

In 2016 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established minimum standards for safe growing, harvesting, packing and holding of produce grown for human consumption as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), under an agreement with the FDA, is building a Produce Safety Program to promote understanding of the new Produce Safety Rule. The Produce Safety Program's mission is to ensure:

All Minnesota produce farmers receive the resources and support they need to grow safe food while meeting any regulatory requirements that apply to their farms.

Steps for Produce Growers

flowchart of produce safety process

Just beginning to learn about the Produce Safety Rule? Here are some good starting points:

Each year we analyze data collected from our annual Grower Questionnaire, evaluations of our grower trainings, and other program services. This data is shared in our annual report which can be found in the forms and resources section on this page. 

Farm Inventory 

Farm Inventory by Status of Verified Farms
Farm Produce Safety Rule (PSR) Status Categories 2024 calendar year
Covered 45
Eligible for an Exemption - Qualified Exemption 207
Eligible for an Exemption - Commercial Processing Exemption 61
Excluded - Sales 797
Excluded - Other 163
Total Farms in Inventory 1,273

*Verified farms have completed the FMSA Produce Safety Rule Grower Questionnaire, or otherwise verified their farm’s Produce Safety Rule status with the MDA.

Building Safe Farms: Program Impact and Success

We support Minnesota farmers in complying with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule (PSR) through inspections and education. Our team works to ensure safety standards are met while building relationships within the produce community. We prioritize outreach to all types and sizes of farms across Minnesota to help them maintain safe farming practices.


44% of our resources were developed in a language other than English

4 Newsletters, totaling to over 5,00 unique opens, were sent out in 2024, each one focusing on a different food safety element. 

51% of all produce farms growing covered produce in the inventory have attended a grower training

  • 95% of farms that are verified as Covered per the rule have attended training
22% of all training held have also been offered in Spanish, Hmong, or accessible for Plain communities (ex. Amish, Mennonite) 

83% of Covered farms under the MDA's inspection responsibility were inspected in 2024

  • 35% fewer observations in 2024 compared to 2023 due to more farms making food safety improvements
  • 18% of orders issued during Routine and Follow up Inspections were associated with requirements related to equipment and tools such as cleaning food contact surfaces. 
  • 13% of orders issued during Routine and Follow up Inspections were associated with requirements related to handwashing facilities such as providing accessible hand sinks or properly stocking hand sinks with soap or paper towels, etc. 


Have more questions about what the Produce Safety Rule means for you? We want to hear from you! Our team includes a mix of inspectors, outreach staff, analysts, and project specialists. We are all here to support understanding and compliance with the requirements of the rule. Give us a call at 651-539-3648 or send us an email at with any questions you might have.

Funding for this program was made possible, in part, by the Food and Drug Administration through grant PAR-16-137. The views expressed in written materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organization imply endorsement by the United States Government.