FSMA Produce Safety Rule Resources & Other Topics
The Produce Safety Rule
- FSMA Final Rule on Produce Safety - updates and context on the Produce Safety Rule from the Food & Drug Administration
- The full text of the Produce Safety Rule
- Produce Safety Rule Compliance Dates
Farm Status & Qualified Exemptions
- This video from the University of Minnesota Extension provides an overview of the different statuses that can apply to a produce farm per the rule, and how to know which might apply to you
- Overview of the labeling and record keeping requirements for farms that are eligible for a Qualified Exemption - in webinar format, and in a factsheet from the UMN Extension
- Notice on the FDA Guidance for Farms Eligible for a Qualified Exemption - for Qualified Exempt farms that shifted their marked sales in 2020 due to COVID-19 disruptions, regarding their farm status in 2021
- How and Why To Test Your Farm's Water - background information on water testing, not specific to the standards of the Produce Safety Rule
- Water Testing under the Produce Safety Rule - allowable water testing methods for farms that are covered by the rule
- Map of Water Testing Labs in Minnesota
- Calculators - links to several tools that help covered farms determine their Microbial Water Quality Profiles
Cleaning & Sanitizing
- Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces - information for all farms, not specific to the standards of the Produce Safety Rule
- FSMA Record Keeping Guide - A collection of blank record templates created by Missouri Department of Agriculture, with examples and optional supporting documents
- Records Required by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule - A Produce Safety Alliance document summarizing required PSR records
Produce Safety Program and Inspections
- What does the MDA Produce Safety Program do with your personal information?
- What to expect during an inspection
- Pre-Inspection Checklist
FDA Guidance
Guidance documents demonstrate the FDA's current thinking on a topic. These documents do not change the existing rule, but instead provide a broad range of recommendations on how to meet the requirements for most subparts of the rule.
- Draft Guidance for Industry: Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption
- Draft Guidance for Industry: Compliance with and Recommendations of Implementation of the Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption for Sprout Operations
- Draft Guidance for Industry: Classification of Activities as Harvesting, Packing, Holding, or Manufacturing/Processing for Farms and Facilities
Helpful Organizations
- University of Minnesota Extension On-Farm Food Safety Program
- Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) is a collaboration between Cornell University, FDA, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to prepare fresh produce growers to meet the regulatory requirements of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule
Non-FSMA Related Resources
- Organic Agriculture in Minnesota
- Produce Safe Locally-Grown Produce to Commercial Food Establishments & the General Public
- Food Licenses - for businesses selling food items other than products of their own farm or garden
- Wholesale Produce Dealers Licensing - for businesses that buy produce and other farm items directly from farmers and re-sell it
- Cottage Food Law Guidance - for individuals interested in making and selling certain non-potentially hazardous foods and canned goods without a license
- Fruit and Vegetable Inspections - for information on USDA grade and/or condition inspections of all fresh produce and as well voluntary Good Agricultural and Good Handling Practices (GAP/GHP) audits that MDA conducts. These are different services that the inspections administered by the Produce Safety Program
- Minnesota Grown Cost Share Program - if you are developing a new label, tag, bag, box or permanent sign and would like to add the Minnesota Grown logo directly to your packaging, you may be eligible to receive up to $200 reimbursement in the current fiscal year
- Gardening in Urban Soil - considerations and tips on how to prepare land in urban settings