Before a person may manufacture or distribute animal feed, including pet food and specialty pet food, in or into the state, a Minnesota Commercial Feed License is required. "Commercial feed" is defined as materials or combinations of materials that are distributed or intended to be distributed for use as feed or for mixing in feed unless the materials are specifically exempted. Eligible pet treats registered under the Minnesota Cottage Food Law are exempt. In addition to being licensed, pet and specialty pet food, including treats, that are distributed only in packages of 10 pounds or less must be registered before distribution. Firms with licensed products that are not subject to registration are required to submit tonnage payments for those products. License renewals, product registrations, and tonnage reports, along with the accompanying fees, must be submitted annually.
Depending on the business model, a single firm may be required to register certain products while paying tonnage on others. Additional information exclusive to pet food can be found on the New to the Pet Food Business webpage.
Who needs a Minnesota Commercial Feed License?
- Anyone inside or outside of Minnesota who distributes animal feed in Minnesota, excluding retail-only facilities. In the Minnesota Commercial Feed Law, to distribute to others means to offer for sale, sell, exchange, barter, or otherwise supply animal feed or feed ingredients.
- Other than registered Cottage Food producers, anyone in Minnesota who is making animal feed, including pet and specialty pet food, which they intend to distribute to others needs a Minnesota Commercial Feed License.
- Anyone inside or outside of Minnesota who has their name and address on the label of an animal feed product distributed in Minnesota.
- If you open a second qualifying location, you will need a second license. Feed licenses are specific to each location.
Who does not need a Minnesota Commercial Feed License?
- If you are making animal feed exclusively for your personal use, a license is not required.
- Retail-only locations do not require a license.
- Eligible pet treats registered under the Minnesota Cottage Food Law are exempt.
What products are exempt from Minnesota Commercial Feed Licensing?
Certain pet products such as bones, hides or chews, but not pet treats, are exempt from licensing, and therefore registration or tonnage, when the product type and label meet the criteria detailed in the Exempt Product Policy.
To apply for or renew a Minnesota Commercial Feed License
- A feed license is is valid from January 1 through December 31 and must be renewed annually.
- A feed license costs $75.00. There is a $100.00 penalty fee for anyone who fails to get a license or renews after the December 31 deadline.
- For a Minnesota Commercial Feed License application send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
What is Registration?
It is a listing of each pet and specialty pet food and treat product that is required to be registered by Minnesota Commercial Feed Law, and which, along with the applicable fee, is submitted annually to the state.
What products need to be Registered?
- All pet and specialty pet foods sold exclusively in packages of 10 pounds or less must be registered with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Tonnage fees do not need to be paid on registered products.
- Products offered in multiple package sizes with similar packaging differing only by net content, but with identical products (same formula, shape, size, color, and flavor), may be considered a single product.
What Products are exempt from Registration?
Certain pet products such as bones, hides or chews, but not pet treats, are exempt from licensing and registration or tonnage when the product type and label meet the criteria detailed in the Exempt Product Policy.
To Register a pet and specialty pet food
- There is a product registration fee of $100.00/product. Product registration is valid from July 1 through June 30 and must be renewed annually. There is a $100.00 penalty fee/product for anyone who fails to register products prior to distribution or renews after the June 30 deadline.
- Submit complete, current, and legible product labels for review if requested.
- Registration questions? Send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
What are Tonnage fees/Inspection Fees?
- Tonnage fees, sometimes called inspection fees or simply tonnage, are annual fees assessed for feed ingredients, feed additives and some animal feeds that are manufactured or distributed in Minnesota.
- Tonnage fees are calculated based on the amount of product distributed the prior calendar year.
Who pays Tonnage Fees?
- Tonnage fees are always paid by the first to distribute commercial feed in Minnesota, except for claimed ownership that is managed through a Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit.
- Firms that have applied for and received a Commercial Feed Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit have voluntarily claimed ownership in terms of tonnage fees. These firms can be found in the table below.
- In the case of claimed ownership, tonnage fees resulting from product supplied to the Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit Holder will be paid by the permit holder (entity listed in the table), not the supplier.
- Exemption permits are license/location specific which may be confirmed with the entity.
- A supplier may confirm a permit holder's fee exemption status by requesting a copy of their exemption permit from mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
2025 Minnesota Commercial Feed Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit Holders
Company | City | State | License # |
AGMOTION INC. DBA U.S. COMMODITIES | Minneapolis | MN | 20103753 |
CHS INC. | Inver Grove Heights | MN | 20121094 |
Key Ingredients INC. | Plymouth | MN | 20046126 |
Land O Lakes Inc | Melrose | MN | 20181275 |
The Scoular Company | Minneapolis | MN | 20046261 |
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC | Arden Hills | MN | 20141129 |
Ridley USA Inc dba Hubbard Feeds | Mankato | MN | 20171192 |
RPMG Inc | Shakopee | MN | 20105613 |
Stone Arch Commodities LLC | Minneapolis | MN | 20260154 |
2024 Minnesota Commercial Feed Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit Holders
Company | City | State | License # |
Key Ingredients Inc | Plymouth | MN | 20046126 |
Melrose Dairy Proteins | Melrose | MN | 20181275 |
Merus LLC | Minneapolis | MN | 20128732 |
Network Trading LLC | Nerstrand | MN | 20192044 |
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC | Arden Hills | MN | 20141129 |
Ridley USA Inc dba Hubbard Feeds | Mankato | MN | 20171192 |
RPMG Inc | Shakopee | MN | 20105613 |
Stone Arch Commodities LLC | Minneapolis | MN | 20182335 |
The Scoular Company | Minneapolis | MN | 20046261 |
US Commodities LLC | Minneapolis | MN | 20103753 |
Viterra USA Ingredients LLC | Omaha | NE | 20253392 |
The inspection fee exemption list is subject to change.
Who does not pay Tonnage Fees?
- Tonnage fees are not paid on any feed ingredient in a customer formula feed when that ingredient has been directly furnished by the customer.
- Tonnage fees are not paid on any pet or specialty pet foods that pay annual registration fees.
To pay Tonnage Fees
- The tonnage fee is 16 cents/ton or $75.00 (whichever is greater).
- Tonnage fees are calculated by the license holder/guarantor at the end of the calendar year and are due by January 31.
- To request a tonnage form, or for fee inquiries, call 651-201-6062 or e-mail mda.licensing@state.mn.us.
Yearly Renewal Fees and Important Dates
All applications must be postmarked or received before the renew or report date listed in the tables below.
Application Type | Fee | Renew or Report |
Commercial Feed License | $75.00 | By December 31 |
Product Registration | $100.00/product | By June 30 |
Tonnage | $0.16/ton or $75.00 (whichever is greater) | By January 31 |
Application Type | Fee | Renew or Report |
Commercial Feed License | $75.00 plus $100.00 penalty |
After December 31 |
Product Registration | $100.00/product plus $100.00/product penalty |
After June 30 |
Tonnage | $0.16/ton or $75.00 (whichever is greater) plus penalty ($10.00 or 10 percent of the total tonnage, whichever is greater) | After January 31 |

Frequently Asked Questions
Pet food means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by pets. A pet is limited to a domesticated dog or cat, normally maintained in or near the household of its owner.
Specialty pet food means commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by specialty pets. A specialty pet means a domesticated animal normally maintained in a cage or tank, including, but not limited to, a gerbil, hamster, canary, psittacine bird, mynah, finch, tropical fish, goldfish, snake, or turtle. "Specialty pet" does not include a dog, cat, horse, rabbit, or wild bird.
Feed licenses are unique to each license holder. If your company name changes you may need to apply for a new license. Please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 for more information or to obtain a new license application and get the previous license cancelled.
Your payment must be postmarked by the due date of application. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not receipt date. You must include all late penalties with your paperwork as we cannot waive late penalties. If you want to appeal, you may send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
When a product is offered on a website, unless specifically excluded on the website, it is being offered into distribution in Minnesota. There are no differences between online sales and sales that occur in physical retail setting. Other than products distributed under the cottage foods exemption, you still have the same requirements for licensing, as well as registration and tonnage as you would on any other sales platform.
Licensing Frequently Asked Questions
The license year is the same as the calendar year. All Minnesota commercial feed licenses expire on December 31. You must renew on or before that date, or a late penalty will be charged. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not date of receipt. License renewals are mailed by the MDA in mid-November. If you do not receive your license renewal by December 1, please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
Your payment must be postmarked by the due date of application. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not date of receipt. You must include all late penalties with your paperwork as we cannot waive late penalties. If you want to appeal, you may send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
License renewals are mailed by the MDA in mid-November. If you do not receive your license renewal by December 1, please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
You can check the status of your license online. Please note that it can take up to 30 days to process your license or license renewal, so we recommend checking back once 30 days has passed. Unfortunately, your registration status cannot be reviewed online. For a current list of your registered products send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us.
No. A license is not transferable from one person to another, from one ownership to another, or from one location to another. Please contact us at mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 if you have licensing questions.
A new license is necessary when any of the following has occurred:
- The physical location of the facility has changed
- The facility has changed ownership
- The business name has been changed
Please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 to obtain a new license application and get the previous license cancelled.
Yes. Licenses are not transferable from one person to another or from one ownership to another. Please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 to obtain a new license application.
Yes. Licenses are not transferable from one location to another. Please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 to obtain a new license application and get the previous license cancelled.
Yes. If you are manufacturing, which includes but not limited to grinding, mixing, blending, processing, packaging, or labeling a commercial feed for distribution in the state, you will need a Minnesota Commercial Fee License. Please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062 to obtain a license application.
Questions regarding licensing, registration, or tonnage may be directed to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or 651-201-6062.
Registration Frequently Asked Questions
Product registration renewals are mailed mid-May. If you do not receive your registration renewal by June 1, please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062. You must renew on or before June 30 of the current registration year to avoid being charged a late penalty. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not receipt date.
Product registration renewals are mailed mid-May. If you did not receive your registration renewal by June 1, please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
Your payment must be postmarked by the due date of application. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not receipt date. You must include all late penalties with your paperwork as we cannot waive late penalties. If you want to appeal, you may send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
Proof of registered products is sent out within 60 days of receipt. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call us at 651-201-6062.
The late fee is only applicable to product that is being renewed.
Products that are identical in all aspects, including the label other than the package’s net contents, may be considered a single product. If you have questions about single products, please contact the Pet Food Line at mda.ffsdpetfood.mda@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6221.
Please review Are Your Pet/Specialty Pet Food Products Exempt from Regulation. If you have additional questions, please contact the Pet Food Line at mda.ffsdpetfood.MDA@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6221.
Products found in distribution without a current registration will be documented as failing to provide a small package registration under Minnesota Statutes. Such products will be assessed a Penalty Fee in addition to the Registration Fee.
Products that are being discontinued must be removed from distribution by June 30 of the current registration year. Products found in distribution after this date may be subject to enforcement action. If you anticipate that the product will still be in distribution after this date, the product must be re-registered.
Questions regarding licensing, registration, or tonnage may be directed to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or 651-201-6062.
Tonnage Frequently Asked Questions
A tonnage payment is required for animal feed and feed ingredients manufactured in Minnesota except in the following circumstances:
- Registered pet and specialty pet food sold exclusively in packages of 10 pounds or less
- Ingredients in a customer formula feed that have been directly furnished by the customer
- Feed or feed ingredients already covered under a Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit
Please see the “Who Needs to Pay Tonnage” section above for more information on Tonnage Fee Exemptions.
When a product is distributed in a package greater than 10 pounds, paying tonnage fees in lieu of registration is an option. If a licensed product is distributed in packages exclusively less than 10 pounds, then registration must be paid, and tonnage is not an option.
Your payment must be postmarked by the due date of application. Please note that late penalties are assessed by postmark date, not receipt date. You must include all late penalties with your paperwork as we cannot waive late penalties. If you want to appeal, you may send an e-mail to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.
No, tonnage fees resulting from product supplied to the Tonnage Fee Exemption Permit Holder will be paid by the permit holder (entity listed in the table), not the supplier.
Questions about tonnage can be directed to mda.licensing@state.mn.us or call 651-201-6062.