Requirements, guidelines and key information for Dealer Agricultural Pesticide Sales Reporting & Invoicing. A web based reporting application supported by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).

Important Requirements & Guidelines to Keep in Mind

Pesticide Dealer Licensing

  • A pesticide dealer license is required to offer for sale or sell agricultural, bulk, and restricted use pesticides.
  • A dealer license is valid for one year. Dealer licenses expire on January 31st.
  • Dealer license renewal forms are mailed out early-December annually.
  • Dealers renew their license by mail annually and pay renewal license application fees by check. Licenses are not transferable. Application fees are nonrefundable.
  • Don’t delay, mail in renewals when you receive the renewal forms. License renewal forms and payments must be received by the MDA and applied to your dealer license by the January 31st deadline to avoid a $75 late fee. Renewals are approved in the order they are received and can require up to 3 weeks to process.
  • Paid renewal pesticide dealer licenses are held at the MDA until you complete and certify your annual agricultural pesticides sales report, and sales fees payments are received by the MDA and processed to your dealer license. The license is mailed to your company.
  • Persons are licensed only when they have a MDA pesticide dealer license identification card in their possession, either the card or electronic facsimile. 

Agricultural Pesticide Invoice and Sales Reporting Requirements  

  • For all Minnesota end-user sales of agricultural pesticides, dealers must invoice customers Minnesota Gross Sales fee at a rate of 0.55%, and ACRRA surcharge at a rate of 0.27%. (Note: ACRRA Surcharge assessed fees decreased, effective 1/1/2025) Assess both fee and surcharge on agricultural pesticides end-user sales in or into Minnesota to be used in Minnesota.
  • To meet requirements of Minnesota Pesticide Control Law, end-user customer invoices must show Minnesota Gross Sales fee rate assessed, and the calculated amount of fees paid on agricultural pesticides sales.
  • Outstate use sales; agricultural pesticide wholesale sales (sales to a licensed pesticide dealer or distributor); non-agricultural pesticides; or other products or services are exempt from fee assessment.
  • By January 31st, dealers must complete an annual Agricultural Pesticide Sales Report for the previous year’s sales of all agricultural pesticides.
  • Assessed Minnesota Gross Sales Fees and ACRRA Surcharge payments due to the MDA from sales reporting must be received and processed into your dealer license on or before January 31st. Allow time for US mail and the MDA processing.
  • All agricultural pesticide sales reports are submitted through an MDA online sales reporting application.
  • If you do not have agricultural pesticide sales during the year, you must access your online sales report and certify a “No Sales” report.
  • Agricultural pesticide sales reports and fee payments received after the January 31st deadline will be reviewed for enforcement and may be issued late penalty fees. This will also delay your license from being released.  

Helpful Information in Preparing your Sales Report

  • Identify all agricultural pesticides in your inventory. Agricultural pesticides can be identified by an “Agricultural Use Requirements” box on their label.
  • Use the Registered Pesticide Product Search web page at the MDA web site to identify agricultural pesticides and non-agricultural pesticides that are registered to be sold and used in Minnesota.
  • A PIN and dealer license number are required to access the online application to report sales. If you have multiple licenses, you will receive a separate PIN for each dealer licensed facility. Report each licensed facilities’ sales separately. The PIN is found in the sales reporting letter MDA mails in mid-November. A unique PIN is assigned for each sales reporting year.
  • Consolidate and report total sales by agricultural pesticide product.
  • For each pesticide sold, you will need either the MDA product ID number (a unique number assigned by the MDA), or the EPA Registration Number to report the pesticide. By pesticide, report the product name, amount sold by standard units, and annual gross sales dollar amount.
  • Standard report units: Gallon (wet) or Pound (dry)
  • Online sales entries are saved automatically. Dealers can exit and continue to enter products at a later date.
  • You are able to edit or delete entries any time before certifying a sales report.
  • To finish and certify your sale report select “Next” at the bottom of the pesticide sales table. Complete all fields on the sales summary payment screen. Print the sales summary payment screen to send in with your mailed fee payment. Then finish your report by certifying the report as true and complete by selecting “Yes I Agree”.
  • To amend or correct a certified sales report contact the MDA to reopen your sales report for you to correct.
  • Minnesota Gross Sales Fee and ACRRA Surcharge payment options are 1.) US Mail by check, or 2.) Online electronic payment from your bank account, VISA, or MasterCard. Please note that a bank handling fee of approximately 2.5% will be applied to online payments and is subject to change.

Preparing a Sales Spreadsheet for Importing

  • You may choose to create an upload file of agricultural pesticides sales. The file must meet the MDA specifications and can be imported into the reporting application. The file must be a text file in a “.CSV comma delimited” format. The maximum file size is 1M. Any inconsistencies with the file will cause upload errors when importing.
  • If you have questions about:
    • Products, product numbers, or EPA Registration Number please contact the Pesticide Management Unit at 651-201-6292.