The rulemaking process utilized by the MDA provides three opportunities for public involvement:

  1. When the Request for Comments (RFC) is published in the State Register, it communicates general ideas for the rulemaking. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide formal comments and input on the rulemaking ideas that may narrow or broaden the scope of the project. Stakeholder data or other relevant information can be submitted at this time. An example of information submitted could be relevant cost information for implementing the general ideas announced in the RFC. MDA encourages stakeholder participation at this early stage of the process so that relevant information can be considered as decisions that shape the rule are made.
  2. During this phase of the rulemaking, MDA generally develops a preliminary draft of rule language and makes it available for at least one informal public comment period. Throughout this phase, stakeholder meetings may be held and informal comments may be submitted.
  3. When a Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules is published, it signals the final opportunity for stakeholder input, unless a hearing is held. The published notice will indicate the relevant submittal deadlines. At this stage, a complete Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) and draft rule are made available for formal public comment.

The Agency can proceed with a public hearing or without one. If held, the public hearing provides an additional formal opportunity for stakeholders to testify or submit written testimony in front of an Administrative Law Judge who presides over the hearing.

On completion, MDA will publish final adoption of rules. Most rules become effective five working days after they appear in the State Register.

Check with the agency contact person to inspect written comments, written requests for a public hearing, and names of parties who requested a public hearing.

Rule Number and Title: Adopted Exempt Temporary Rules Governing Pesticide Regulation R-4879
Subject Matter: Records needed to be submitted for certified pesticide dealers
Brief Rule Summary: Updating to federal rule changes that require certain records to be submitted by certified pesticide dealers

Agency Contact Person Current status of proposed rule and any agency determinations Comment Status Timetable for adoption Notices published Public hearing schedule
Doug Spanier Rules adopted November 12, 2024. Notice to be published October 7. Comments to be accepted October 7-14, 2024. September, 2024 Rule

Not applicable


  • GO – Governor’s Office
  • MMB – Minnesota Management and Budget
  • OAH – Office of Administrative Hearings
  • RFC – Request for Comments
  • SONAR – Statement of Need and Reasonableness
  • SR – Minnesota State Register


If you wish to be notified when the Department makes any changes to their rules, you can email, and let him know that you wish to be put on the agency’s rulemaking notification mailing list. Please list your name and the way you wish to be contacted - either email or regular mail - with the correct information.