2025 Dicamba Update (As of January 2025)
On February 6, 2024, the U.S. District Court of Arizona vacated the 2020 federal registrations of three over-the-top (OTT) dicamba products for soybeans, XtendiMax® (EPA Reg. No. 264-1210), Engenia® (EPA Reg. No. 7969-472), and Tavium® (EPA Reg. No. 100-1623), making their sale or distribution illegal in the United States after June 12, 2024.
As a result of the court decision, XtendiMax®, Engenia®, and Tavium® products are no longer registered for use in Minnesota in 2025. Minnesota's Pesticide Control Law prohibits the sale, distribution, or use of unregistered pesticides in the state. Violations may result in enforcement actions, including fines and penalties.
This court decision only affects three specific dicamba products, XtendiMax®, Engenia®, and Tavium®, which were previously registered for over-the-top use on dicamba-tolerant (DT) soybeans in Minnesota. Other dicamba products currently registered with the MDA for use in agricultural and non-agricultural sites, including fallow cropland, pastures, and conservation reserve programs, are not impacted by the court ruling.
Following the 2024 court ruling, the pesticide registrants submitted new product proposals that include OTT application of dicamba on DT soybeans. The revised labels propose new use patterns and stricter restrictions, including reduced application rates and limited over-the-top use in soybeans, aimed at reducing off-target movement and preventing crop damage. Because the application involved a new use pattern for dicamba, the EPA opened a 30-day public comment period. The EPA is now reviewing the submitted comments and evaluating the submissions with the proposed label changes. Should the EPA determine that these applications meet the standard for registration of a new use under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, the EPA will provide a separate opportunity for public comment on the proposed decision. The future availability of these products will depend on the EPA’s re-registration decisions.
Note: This information is current as of January 23, 2025, and may be subject to change as new updates from the EPA become available. For the most current information, please continue to check the Dicamba | Environmental Protection Agency or DIcamba Herbicide | MDA websites regularly.
Disposal or Return of Existing Stocks of OTT Dicamba Products
Sale, distribution, or use of existing stock of XtendiMax®, Engenia®, and Tavium® is no longer allowed. However, the EPA issued an order. on February 14, 2024 (revised on March 12, 2024), that allows existing stocks of these products to be distributed solely for the purpose of returning them to the registrants or for proper disposal, with no end date. Individuals and entities, including end users possessing these stocks (excluding the registrants), are allowed to return them to the registrants or dispose of them in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local waste disposal regulations.
If you have OTT dicamba products (i.e., XtendiMax®, Engenia®, and Tavium®) that need to be disposed of, check with your dealer, co-operative, or ag retailer to see if they will take back products. If they will not, please use the MDA's Waste Pesticide Collection Program. For larger volumes (over 300 pounds), call the MDA’s Jane Boerboom at 612-214-6843.
OTT dicamba was used to control broadleaf weeds, particularly those resistant to glyphosate and other herbicides, in DT soybeans in Minnesota. The loss of this tool emphasizes the need for diversified weed management, including a combination of preemergence residual and postemergence herbicides with multiple sites-of-action to reduce resistance development and broaden weed control. While not specific to Minnesota, the University Extension crop and pest management guides below provide valuable information on various weed control options. Always consult the MDA's registered product search tool to verify that any pesticide products you plan to use is registered in Minnesota. Always read and follow label instructions carefully before using any pesticide. The Label Is The Law!
- 2024 North Dakota Weed Control Guide
- 2024 South Dakota Pest Management Guide - Soybean
- 2020 Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois Weed Control Guide (2024 version)
- Crop Protection Network
General Information
Dicamba is a selective systemic herbicide for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds. It was first registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1967 and is available in several formulations (see Forms of Dicamba Registered for Use below). Dicamba is registered for use on a variety of food and feed crops, including corn, barley, and wheat. It is also used to control weeds in turf including lawns, golf courses, sports fields, and parks.
Pesticide Type | Herbicide (Group 4) |
Chemical Class | Benzoic Acid |
Common Trade Names* | Clarity, Diflexx, Banvel, Strut, Sterling Blue |
Registration Status | EPA: Registered since 1967 MN: Registered |
Structure |
*No endorsement is implied in the referencing of trade names.
Dicamba is a highly volatile chemical that can damage non-target plant species through spray drift (particle drift) and/or volatilization (vapor drift). New formulations were designed to reduce volatility. However, since OTT dicamba was registered for use on DT soybeans, the MDA had received complaints each year for off-site movement onto neighboring property.
Annual Total Reports for Alleged Dicamba Drift
Year | Number of Reports |
2024 | 5 |
2023 | 15 |
2022 | 32 |
2021 | 304 |
2020 | 128 |
2019 | 20 |
2018 | 51 |
2017 | 249 |
Forms of Dicamba Registered for Use (list is not all-inclusive)
Dicamba Form | CAS # / PC code | Trade Names* |
Acid | 1918-00-9029801 | Celius; Vision; Saddle-Up |
Dimethylamine (DMA) salt | 2300-66-5029802 | Banvel; EndRun; Cimarron Max |
Sodium (Na) salt | 1982-69-0029806 | Status; Rave; Overdrive |
Potassium (K) salt | 10007-85-9129043 | Lawn 3iP Herbicide |
Diglycolamine (DGA) salt | 104040-79-1128931 | Clarity; DiFlexx; Clarifier |
Bis aminopropyl methylamine (BAPMA) salt | 100094 | Engenia |
*No endorsement is implied in the referencing of trade names.
Dicamba is a systemic herbicide that functions as a plant growth regulator. Following application, dicamba is absorbed through leaves and roots of target weeds and is translocated throughout the plant. In the plant, dicamba mimics auxin, a type of plant hormone, and causes abnormal cell division and growth.
Dicamba belongs to the benzoic acid chemical class and is a Site-of-Action 4 herbicide. Other herbicides belonging to Group 4 (synthetic auxins) with a similar mode-of-action include 2,4-D, MCPA, clopyralid, halauxifen-methyl, and aminopyralid.
In Minnesota agriculture, dicamba is used to control weeds in various crops including corn, small grain, soybeans, and hay, as well as on fallow cropland, pastures, and land enrolled in conservation reserve programs. Prior to 2016, dicamba was registered for pre-plant and pre-emergence applications in conventional soybeans, Roundup Ready soybeans, and Liberty Link soybeans. From 2016 to 2024, Minnesota registered dicamba products for over-the-top (OTT) application to dicamba-tolerant (DT) soybeans to control broadleaf weeds such as pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.), ragweeds (Ambrosia spp.), horseweed (Conyza spp.), and Kochia spp. The MDA has worked with the EPA and the registrants of the three dicamba products to include the following restrictions on the product labels during 2022. Cutoff date: Do not apply south of interstate 94 after June 12. Do not apply north of interstate 94 after June 30. Cutoff temperature for the entire state: Do not apply if the air temperature of the field at the time of application is over 85 degrees Fahrenheit or National Weather Service’s forecasted high temperature for the nearest available location for the day exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Forecasted temperature must be recorded at the start of the application.
Non-agricultural applications of dicamba include uses on residential lawns and on golf course turf throughout the state.
The MDA tracks the sale of pesticide active ingredients in the state. The graph below shows annual dicamba sales in Minnesota between 1996 and 2022 (Figure 1). Dicamba sales data are pooled for all forms of dicamba and reported as the pounds of dicamba acid equivalents (a.e.) sold. Notably, dicamba sales increased significantly in 2017, rising from 428,000 pounds in 2016 to 910,000 pounds in 2017, coinciding with the release of new OTT dicamba products. Sales data are available through the Pesticide Sales database.

The various salts of dicamba are considered to have a similar toxicity to dicamba acid. Furthermore, Dicamba salts are rapidly transformed into the acid form in the environment. Therefore, toxicity information is listed for dicamba acid.
Human Health
Dicamba has a low acute toxicity via oral, dermal, and inhalation routes. It is an eye and dermal irritant, but it is not a skin sensitizer.
Human Health Values for Dicamba Acid. Data from US EPA1 and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
Population Adjusted Dose (PAD) | Acute=0.29 mg/kg/day Chronic=0.04 mg/kg/day |
Cancer Effect | Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans |
MDH Health Risk Limit (HRL) (chronic, 1993) |
200 µg ae/L |
Non-target Organisms
Dicamba toxicity is low for aquatic organisms, mammals, and honeybees, and it is moderately toxic to birds. Non-target plants exposed to dicamba may be damaged by this herbicide.
Dicamba acid toxicity values for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Data from US EPA2
Aquatic Organism | Toxicity Values | Toxicity Level |
Freshwater fish | Acute LC50 = 28 mg ae/L Chronic NOAEC = N/A |
Slightly toxic |
Freshwater invertebrates | Acute EC50 > 50 mg ae/L Chronic NOAEC = No data |
Practically non-toxic |
Aquatic plants | Vascular EC50 = N/A Nonvascular EC50 = 0.493 mg ae/L |
Most Sensitive Aquatic Life Benchmark (ALB)* |
61 µg/L (nonvascular plants) |
Terrestrial Organism | Toxicity Values | Toxicity Level |
Mammals | Acute oral LD50 = 2,740 mg ae/L Chronic NOAEC = N/A |
Practically non-toxic |
Birds | Acute oral LC50 = 188 mg ae/L | Moderately toxic |
Honey bee | Acute contact LD50 > 90.65 µg ae/bee | Practically non-toxic |
*ALB value based on toxicity data from US EPA3.
Dicamba is quickly biodegraded in soil under aerobic conditions (with oxygen) but is more persistent under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). It is not likely to leach to groundwater due to its fast degradation; however, dicamba may reach surface water via run-off, spray drift during application, or vapor drift. Vapor drift from the volatilization of dicamba can result in injury of nearby non-target plants.
Dicamba salts are rapidly transformed into the acid form in the environment; therefore, properties are listed for dicamba acid.
Chemical Properties
Water Solubility | 6100 mg/L |
Dissociation Constant | pKa = 1.9 |
Adsorption | Koc = 3.45 - 21.1 mL/goc (mean = 13.4) |
Soil Metabolism | Aerobic half-life = 18 days Anaerobic half-life = no data |
Photolysis | no data |
Aquatic Metabolism | Aerobic half-life = 72.9 days Anaerobic half-life = 423 days |
Photolysis | Half-life = 105 days |
Hydrolysis | Stable |
Volatilization | Vapor pressure (25°C) = 3.41 x 10-5 torr Henry's Law constant = 1.79 x 10-8 atm m3/mol |
3,6-dichlorosalicylic acid (DCSA) is the major degradate, or breakdown product, of dicamba. Because DCSA is primarily formed in plants, the EPA does not expect DCSA to reach groundwater at levels that would be of concern. However, DCSA is more toxic than the parent compound to certain species of birds and mammals; thus, there could be potential for adverse effects to certain species of birds and mammals. Mitigations are imposed on registration to alleviate these risks. Other minor degradates of dicamba include 3, 6-dichlorogentisic acid (DCGA) and 5-OH-dicamba.
Dicamba product labels include the following statements; however, the language may vary among products. See individual product labels for full list of environmental hazards and spray drift management restrictions or recommendations. Always read the label before applying a pesticide.
Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate. Apply this product only as directed
This chemical is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of agricultural use. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in ground water contamination.
Ground and Surface Water Protection
Point source contamination- Do not mix or load this pesticide within 50 feet of wells (including abandoned wells and drainage wells), sink holes, perennial or intermittent streams and rivers, and natural or impounded lakes and reservoirs.
Movement by surface runoff or through soil- Do not apply under conditions which favor runoff. Ground water contamination may occur in areas where soils are permeable or coarse and ground water is near the surface. Do not apply to soils classified as sand with less than 3% organic matter and where ground water depth is shallow.
Movement by water erosion of treated soil- Do not apply or incorporate this product through any type of irrigation equipment nor by flood or furrow irrigation. Ensure treated areas have received at least one-half inch rainfall (or irrigation) before using tailwater for subsequent irrigation in other fields.
Endangered Species Concerns
Use of this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling may pose a hazard to endangered of threatened species.
US EPA Dicamba and Dicamba BAPMA Salt: Human-Health Risk Assessment for Proposed Section 3 New Uses on Dicamba-tolerant Cotton and Soybean (2016). [Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0223-0002]
US EPA Problem Formulation for the Environmental Fate, Ecological Risk, and Drinking Water Assessments in Support of the Registration Review of Dicamba (2016). [Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0223-0004]
US EPA Ecological Risk Assessment for Dicamba DGA Salt and its degradate, 3,6-dichlorosalicylic acid (DSCA), for the Proposed Post-Emergence New Use on Dicamba-Tolerant Cotton (2016). [Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0187-0005]