Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine and Regulatory Information

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a serious invasive tree pest, and consequently a quarantine has been placed to help slow the spread of EAB to other areas in Minnesota (see Emerald Ash Borer Status in our state).

These are considered regulated articles by the MDA:

  • Ash logs
  • Ash tree waste
  • Ash chips and mulch
  • All firewood (non-coniferous)

Emerald Ash Borer Quarantined Counties

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has confirmed EAB in Pope County. There are now 52 counties in the state with known EAB infestations. The MDA has enacted a quarantine to limit the movement of firewood and ash material into Minnesota and out of infested counties. The MDA issues quarantines for all counties known to have EAB to reduce the risk of further spreading the tree-killing insect. 
Because this is the first time EAB had been identified in Pope County, the MDA is enacting an emergency quarantine for the entire county. See Quarantine Map for details.
The comment period for the Pope County emergency quarantine is now through July 26, 2024, and recommends adopting the quarantine on July 29, 2024. All comments or questions regarding the proposed quarantine can be made to kimberly.tcremers@state.mn.us.

No regulated articles are legally allowed to be moved into Minnesota without the written approval and the proper documentation provided to the Commissioner of Agriculture.

No regulated articles are legally allowed to move outside of a quarantine (untreated or treated), unless they are accompanied by a MDA certificate. MDA Certificates are only available when a Compliance Agreement (CA) is signed between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the a company, city, county, agency, or organization interested in moving the regulated article.

A CA is a written agreement between a person and a regulatory agency to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements. For more information about CAs please visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Report A Pest Hotline.