• red eggs on green plant
    Lily leaf beetle eggs are laid in lines on the undersides of leaves. Photo by Bruce Watt, University of Maine, Bugwood.org.
  • lily leaf beetle larva on plant
    Lily leaf beetle larvae are bumpy and black. Photo by Richard A. Casagrande, University of Rhode Island, Bugwood.org.
  • red lily leaf beetle on green plant
    Adults lily leaf beetles are a distinct scarlet red with black head. Photo by Bruce Watt, University of Maine, Bugwood.org .

Scientific name: Lilioceris lilii Scopoli

Native range: Europe and Eurasia

At Risk

Lilium spp. and Fritillaria spp. are the primary hosts for lily leaf beetle; larvae only consume plants in these genera. Adults are reported to occasionally feed on other plants including hostas, hollyhock, potato, bittersweet, Solomon’s seal and lilly of the valley. Larvae cause most of the damage to plants and can completely defoliate host plants.


The lily leaf beetle was first found in North America in the 1940s (Montreal). It can now be found in most Canadian provinces, in the northeastern U.S., Wisconsin, Iowa, and Washington State. Lily leaf beetle was first reported in Minnesota in July of 2020 and has been confirmed in 4 counties (Anoka, Goodhue, Hennepin, and Ramsey).


Adults emerge from the soil in early spring. Eggs are laid on host plants, and larvae feed on the undersides of leaves before entering the soil to pupate into beetles. Beetles emerge and continue to feed until winter. Only one generation occurs per year.


Lily leaf beetles are distinctive-looking beetles that will be recognizable in multiple stages of development. Look for bright red beetles, reddish eggs laid in lines on the undersides of leaves, and bumpy, black larvae also on the undersides of leaves. The larvae cover themselves with their own excrement, likely to protect themselves from predators and parasitoids. Adults are a distinct scarlet red with black head, antennae and legs and measure about 1/2 inch long.

Regulatory Status: Non-Regulated

There are no federal, state or local regulations related to lily leaf beetle.

What Can I Do?

Contact the MDA via Report a Pest if you suspect an infestation of lily leaf beetle in Minnesota.


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