Enforcement of the noxious weed law is the responsibility of county and municipal governments. The County Agricultural Inspector (CAI) position was established in 1929 to provide leadership and supervision in the enforcement of the noxious weed law in each county. CAIs serve as the primary technical support to local weed inspectors in the areas of enforcement and public relations.
The MDA serves as a liaison between the Minnesota Legislature and county and local governments. The MDA also provides training to inspectors and county designated employees, and oversees the process for determining what plant species are listed as noxious weeds.
Please click on the links in the tabs above to view the list of CAIs by county, to download the enforcement forms, to visit the county noxious weed page, and to read the history of the CAI position. To visit the Noxious and Invasive Weed Program page or to Report a Pest, click on the links in the "Learn More" section below.

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