Front view of the Minnesota state capitol building with the dome in the center

History and Purpose

The Minnesota Noxious Weed Advisory Committee (NWAC) was created by the state legislature in 2009 under M.S. 18.91 to advise the commissioner of agriculture regarding invasive plants and regulated noxious weeds. The duties are:

"The committee shall evaluate species for invasiveness, difficulty of control, cost of control, benefits, and amount of injury caused by them. For each species evaluated, the committee shall recommend to the commissioner on which noxious weed list or lists, if any, the species should be placed. Species designated as prohibited or restricted noxious weeds or specially regulated plants must be reevaluated every three years for a recommendation on whether or not they need to remain on the noxious weed lists.

The committee shall also advise the commissioner on the implementation of the Minnesota Noxious Weed Law and assist the commissioner in the development of management criteria for each noxious weed category."

Plant species are evaluated through an extensive risk assessment process. Each risk assessment is reviewed by all members of the committee. Completed risk assessments can be found at the Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council

Petition a terrestrial plant species

The Noxious Weed Advisory Committee accepts petitions to review terrestrial plant species for potential regulation. Please visit the Noxious Weed Petition page for instructions.


The committee consists of members appointed by the commissioner who represent a variety of ecological, conservation, business, land ownership and government interests throughout the state. To become a member, a person must qualify under the conditions set by Minnesota Statute 18.91; Subdivision 2, and must apply when an open appointment for a membership position becomes available through the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office.


Meeting dates, locations, agendas, minutes, and links to virtual meetings will be posted here.

March 25, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting