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Seed Program Advisory Committee


The Minnesota Seed Program Advisory Committee (SPAC) was formalized in 2020 (formerly the Seed Program Advisory Group). SPAC's purpose is to provide advice to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture on how the Minnesota Seed Law is administered in the state. Another purpose is to evaluate plant species of concern on whether to list as a noxious weed species. The group meets three times annually and the members include representatives from:

  1. the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences or Extension at the University of Minnesota;
  2. Minnesota Crop Improvement;
  3. the seed industry in Minnesota, a minimum of six members with representation from multinational, national, regional, and Minnesota seed companies;
  4. the grain industry in Minnesota;
  5. farmers in Minnesota;
  6. other state and federal agencies with an interest in seed; and
  7. other members as needed

To become a member, a person must qualify under conditions set by Minnesota Statute 21.851 and must apply when an open appointment for a membership position becomes available through the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office.

Meetings are posted on the Minnesota Department of Agriculture events calendar.

Minnesota Crop Improvement Association

As the official seed certifying agency in Minnesota, the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association works closely with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to ensure that all certified, registered, and foundation seed is labeled according to the Minnesota Seed Law.

Minnesota Association of County Agricultural Inspectors

The Minnesota Association of County Agricultural Inspectors (MACAI) is made up of individuals that were appointed County Agricultural Inspectors and Designated employees for each county in Minnesota. County Agricultural Inspectors help the seed program by conducting seed sampling inspections and helping with seed investigations.

Other Partners

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture Seed Program works with local, state, and federal agencies, and other groups in order to achieve a well-distributed network with the goal of enforcing the Minnesota Seed Law.