Selling to Schools & Early Cares

Are you interested in selling your food to schools or early care settings? For some farmers and producers, Farm to School and Early Care is an effective way to grow and diversify sales, venture into the wholesale market, and build meaningful connections within their communities and regions.  

Ways to Get Involved

Reach out to schools and early care providers

If you are interested in selling directly to schools or early care settings, reach out to share what you can offer and learn about what specific items they may be looking to buy. Depending on your size and scale, you may want to consider contacting schools or school districts, early childhood education centers (ECE) centers, or family daycares. 

The MDA’s AGRI Farm to School and Early Care Programs webpage has a list of all schools, ECE centers, and family daycares that have current grants or cost-share funding to purchase Minnesota-grown and -raised food. 

For many schools or school districts, the school food service director (sometimes called the nutrition director) is the best person to contact. For smaller schools and ECE centers, you can start by contacting the principal or director. 

Connect with hubs/aggregators

Many food hubs, farmers’ market hubs, and aggregators have established relationships with schools (and other wholesale and institutional customers) in Minnesota. Depending on your location and operation, selling through a hub/aggregator may be a good fit. Benefits of working through a hub/aggregator can include support with customer outreach and communication, streamlined delivery, and ongoing technical support. 

Create a listing on the Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory 

Many schools and early care providers commonly use the Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory to find producers near them. Become a Minnesota Grown member and add your listing to the Wholesale Directory. 

Resources & Support

Recorded Trainings

  • Selling to Schools Webinar
    • One hour webinar with helpful information, considerations, and strategies for producers who are interested in selling to schools.
  • Bringing the Farm to School Video Training Modules (English, Spanish)
    • This series offers practical, Minnesota-specific tips on how producers can start and grow connections with schools.

Food Safety Resources

Grants & Funding 

The MDA offers a wide variety of grants that support Minnesota producers who are looking to improve and expand their current operations. Several of the grant programs can help producers who are looking to scale up production and access wholesale markets, such as schools. 

Farm to School Technical Assistance Office Hours

The Farm to School Leadership Team hosts a virtual office hour each month for farmers, school nutrition professionals, and others who are looking for Farm to School support. Come with questions! Farm to School Technical Assistance Office Hours are held the second Wednesday of the month from 2:30-3:30 p.m. on Zoom. Learn more and register.

Stay Connected

The Root Review: Sign up to receive quarterly newsletters from the MDA and Minnesota Farm to School Leadership Team. The Root Review newsletter includes timely updates, happenings, and resources for Farm to School and Early Care.