Here are some common questions about the Grain Storage Facility Safety Grant.
If you have questions that are not addressed here or in the request for proposals (RFP), contact us. We will post the answers on this page.
Q. Do I need to be preapproved before I purchase the safety equipment?
A. Yes, you must apply prior to purchasing the equipment. Once your application is approved our contract will secure the funding until your project is completed.
Q: Are shipping and installation included as eligible costs?
A: If you are purchasing an item from a contractor or vendor and you can provide proof of purchase for shipping or installing that item, the cost is eligible (limited to the $400 maximum per bin or silo and no more than 75% of the total cost).
Q: What do I need to provide to show “proof of purchase”?
A: We need to know what you bought and when. We can accept detailed invoices or itemized receipts that describe what was purchased. If the invoice or receipt doesn’t have a zero balance, we need something that shows how and when payment was made (e.g., bank statement, cleared check, credit card statement with sensitive information removed or covered). Hand-written zero-balance receipts or invoices require this additional proof of payment.
Q: If I have six bins but want to install a spiral staircase on just one, can I use the entire $2,400 for that?
A: No, the maximum reimbursement per bin or silo is $400.
Q: Will I get an IRS 1099 Form?
A: If your payment is $600 or more, we’ll send you a Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income.
Q: My current sweep auger is old and exposed. If I replace it with a new auger with guarding that will be used for two bins, how much am I eligible for?
A: For a sweep auger with guards and covers that is used for two bins, you would be eligible for 2 x $400 = $800 or 75% of the cost, whichever is less. Review Sweep Auger Alternative Protection from the Grain Handling Safety Coalition and OSHA Grain Handling Facility Sweep Auger Enforcement Policy for guidance on sweep augers.
Q: Will you have this same Grain Storage Facility Safety Grant program next year?
A: This year’s program runs from June 4, 2024, to June 30, 2025, or until funding runs out. If we receive additional funding in the future, we'll post that information on our website.