Dry Bulk (commercial) Fertilizer is defined as “either mixed fertilizer or fertilizer materials distributed in a non-fluid non-packaged form”.
“Impregnated fertilizer” means a fertilizer coated with a pesticide to prevent weed growth while providing nutrients to the soil that promotes plant growth. Impregnated fertilizer is a registered pesticide and must meet all pesticide requirements.
- A Dry Bulk Fertilizer Storage Permit is required for any facility or person that stores any quantity of dry bulk fertilizer.
- A farmer/grower who stores dry bulk fertilizer, of any quantity for any timeframe, is also required to have a permit from the Minnesota Department Agriculture (MDA).
- A permit from the MDA must be issued before construction or storage can occur.
- Dry fertilizer storage bin areas must be constructed in a manner that will keep the fertilizer dry and properly safeguarded from leaving the facility and getting into the environment.
- Well setback requirements do apply when locating where the dry bulk fertilizer storage will be constructed.
- All loading and handling must be adequately safeguarded from dry fertilizer getting into the environment.
- Impregnation using mini-bulk pesticide containers must be done on an impervious pad with the mini-bulk pesticide containers properly contained per the pesticide storage rules.
- Load pads are strongly recommended for all dry fertilizer loading to allow for easy clean-up for any spills.
- All small spills that come in contact with the ground during handling or loading operations must be immediately cleaned up and attended to.
- An identification sign with the owner’s, operators, or agent’s name, and telephone number must be posted in a place where it can easily be seen.
- An MDA incident emergency notification sign must also be posted in a highly visible location within the facility.