“Bulk Pesticide” means a liquid pesticide that is held in an individual container with a pesticide content of 56 U.S. gallons or more, or 100 lbs. or more net dry weight, including mini-bulk pesticides unless otherwise specified. Only technical grade, formulated grade, and other similar grades are included in this definition (Minnesota Rules Part 1505.3010, Subp. 3).
“Mini-bulk Pesticide” means an amount of liquid pesticide greater than 56 U.S. gallons (211 liters) but not greater than 499 U.S. gallons (1,892 liters), or an amount of dry pesticide greater than 100 lbs. (45 kilograms) but not greater than 499 lbs. (225 kilograms), that is held in a single container designed for ready handling and transport. (Minnesota Rules 1505.3010. Subp. 13).
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has developed fact sheets to provide guidance on bulk and mini-bulk pesticide storage. Please locate those fact sheets at the bottom of this page.
A new bulk agrichemical storage permit is required when a new bulk agrichemical storage facility is constructed or when an existing bulk agrichemical storage facility is substantially altered, the substantial alteration permit application is required. The applications are listed under "Forms + Resources".
A business that plans to store bulk pesticides in storage containers with a rated capacity of 56 to 499 gallons (otherwise known as “mini-bulk containers”) is not required to obtain a permit. However, the firm is required to comply with all storage and distribution rules for bulk pesticides. (Minnesota Rules 1505.3010 - 1505.3150.)
Fact Sheets
Pesticide Facility Maintenance Inspection Form