Map of 2024 MDA field scale and small watershed monitoring sites.Edge-of-field (EOF) monitoring projects are designed to collect accurate measurements of sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus movement over the soil surface and through subsurface drainage tiles. This work leads to a better understanding of the relationship between agricultural management and water quality.


Edge-of-Field monitoring began in Minnesota in 1997 with three sites as a part of the Red Top Tile Drainage Demonstration. Since then, EOF monitoring has been conducted as a part of 11 unique projects.

Current projects

Completed projects

The MDA, along with cooperators and partners, is responsible for installing and maintaining equipment to collect water quality, flow, meteorological and other project specific data.

Data Access

Most EOF locations transmit data every 30-60 minutes to an interactive website, MDA Near Real-Time Monitoring, so interested users can view the data being collected. Data on the website include weather (temperature, rain, wind, etc.), soil moisture and temperature, water level, flow, and nitrate concentrations. Data on the website are provisional and are finalized by MDA personnel during the winter. Contact MDA personnel for finalized data (See Contact Us).

Monitoring Sites

  • Various projects have been created and completed since 1997. These projects are answering a variety of questions related to water quality and farming practices in both surface and subsurface runoff.
  • From 1997-2008, demonstration sites were established to gain further information on the role of artificial subsurface tile drainage and water quality.
  • In 2009, surface (overland) water quality and quantity monitoring began.
  • In 2024, there were 10 surface water and 27 subsurface tile sites monitored across all MDA EOF programs.
  • Monitoring sites have been located across the different types of agricultural areas in Minnesota encompassing a variety of farming operations.
Bar graph illustrating the number of edge of field subsurface tile and surface monitoring sites from 1997-2024.


The graph below displays the average monthly sediment losses (lbs./acre) and precipitation (inches) for all Discovery Farms Minnesota and Root River Field to Stream Partnership EOF surface water monitoring sites from 2010-2023. On average, 70% of the sediment loss occurs in May and June when the soils are vulnerable, crop canopies have not fully established, and there are often convective storms (resulting in the highest, on average, total monthly rainfall).
Data like these provide a useful tool to help inform the public and work with agricultural producers to reduce nutrient and sediment losses from agricultural lands in Minnesota.
Bar graph displaying the average monthly sediment losses and precipitation for all EOF surface monitoring sites from 2010-2024.