Counties have an opportunity to partner with MDA to collect household or both household and agricultural (ag) waste pesticide. Counties that only accept household pesticide will have MDA sponsored ag collections available to them (although it may be in a different county). Contact your county for information about your pesticide disposal options.
Who can participate?
Minnesota residents may bring ag or household waste pesticide to waste pesticide program collections. Ag waste pesticide is defined a pesticides used by a farmer or business and include ag-chemical dealerships, commercial applicators including structural pest control and lawn care services, and noncommercial applicators including right-of-way maintenance crews and business grounds keepers. Household waste pesticides are designed for use around the home, garden and yard. Contact your county for information about your pesticide disposal options.
What is the cost?
There is no cost to the participant. The MDA pays the program costs from a registration fee surcharge paid by pesticide manufacturers. MDA pays state contractors for disposal, supplies and transportation of collected pesticides, as well as the overhead cost to the counties managing the program.
What is collected?
Unwanted and unusable pesticides including: insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides (rat poisons) and other pesticides. Liquids, granulars, powders, baits, paste and aerosol formulations are accepted.
Pesticide rinsate, tank mix, crop oils, adjuvants, fertilizer, treated seed, contaminated soil and empty containers are not accepted.