Purchasing firewood
- Make sure it is labeled with required information.
- Make sure it has the federal or state shield if it came from an area quarantined for a plant pest.
- Be mindful of plant pest quarantines in place.
If you have your own firewood
- Burn it close to where it was harvested.
Minnesota Firewood Must Be Labeled
Minn. Stat. § 239.093 (2016)
239.093 Information required for package
(a) A package offered, exposed, or held for sale must bear a clear and conspicuous declaration of:
(1) the identity of the commodity in the package, unless the commodity can be easily identified through the wrapper or container;
(2) the net quantity in terms of weight, measure, or count;
(3) The name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, if the packages were not produced on the premises where they are offered, exposed, or held for sale; and
(4) the unit price, if the packages are part of a lot containing random weight packages of the same commodity.
(b) This section is not intended to conflict with the packaging requirements of the Department of Agriculture. If a conflict occurs, the laws and rules of the Department of Agriculture govern.
(c) Firewood sold or distributed in this state must include information regarding the harvest locations of the wood by county or counties and state on each label or wrapper.
(d) Paragraph (c) may be enforced using the authority granted in this chapter or section 18J.05 or 84D.13.
239.092 Sale from bulk
(a) Bulk sales of commodities, when the buyer and seller are not both present to witness the measurement, must be accompanied by a delivery ticket containing the following information:
(1) the name and address of the person who weighed or measured the commodity;
(2) the date delivered;
(3) the quantity delivered;
(4) the count of individually wrapped packages delivered, if more than one is included in the quantity delivered;
(5) the quantity on which the price is based, if different than the quantity delivered; and
(6) the identity of the commodity in the most descriptive terms commercially practicable, including representations of quality made in connection with the sale.
(b) This section is not intended to conflict with the bulk sale requirements of the Department of Agriculture. If a conflict occurs, the law and rules of the Department of Agriculture govern.
(c) Firewood sold or distributed in this state must include delivery ticket information regarding the harvest locations of the wood by county or counties and state.
(d) Paragraph (c) may be enforced using the authority granted in this chapter or section 18J.05 or 84D.13.
The Federal Shield
Firewood that originates in a quarantined area is required to have a stamp, sticker, or permit with the federal shield on the package label or invoice to move interstate. This certifies that the wood has gone through a process which should reduce the risk of it carrying a regulated pest as it moves out of a quarantined area. Learn to recognize the shield and understand its meaning. Moving firewood out of quarantine areas without proper certification is punishable by monetary fine up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment.
The Federal shield does not mean the firewood is lower risk than Minnesota firewood.
The safest wood to buy and sell is from Minnesota.
Why are invasive pests a problem?
Gypsy moth and emerald ash borer are examples of invasive species that have killed millions of trees in nearby states. Others, such as Asian longhorned beetle and sirex woodwasp, also pose threats to health of Minnesota’s trees and forests.
Not Moving Firewood is Important
Many invasive pest species live on or in trees, lumber, and firewood. Moving untreated firewood can spread pests
Firewood can be transported out of the EAB quarantine if all conditions are met:
- Firewood is certified or is treated in an MDA certified facility
- Displays the appropriate MDA certification shield
- Is unopened
Firewood cannot be transported out of the quarantined area if:
- Firewood bundles have been opened
- Firewood is not certified as treated
- Firewood bundles fail to display the appropriate certification shield
- Firewood used on DNR-administered lands must be purchased either at the state park or from a DNR-approved vendor

All state-certified wood materials will have the state certificate on the label. Certified materials have been processed or treated according to the state regulations to mitigate plant pest risk before crossing quarantine boundaries
The federal shield indicates that regulated articles have been certified by regulatory officials as having been processed, transported properly under domestic quarantines, or both.
The or MDA certification shields indicate firewood can be moved around the state.
For questions about invasive species and firewood regulations, contact:
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Plant Protection Division
Report A Pest
For questions about firewood on state lands, contact:
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
651-296-6157 (metro) or 888-646-6367 (greater Minnesota)
For questions about labeling, contact:
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Weights & Measures