The Minnesota Senate today reconfirmed Thom Petersen as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). The vote was 63-0. This marks the second term for Petersen, who was first appointed in 2019 by Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan to serve as Agriculture Commissioner.
“Thom Petersen understands how policy directly affects farmers’ daily lives,” said Gov. Walz. “I look forward to continuing our work to support our farmers – from new farmers to the leaders of food and ag companies – while ensuring Minnesota remains a global leader in food and agriculture.”
“From supporting emerging farmers to helping communities recover from drought, I’m proud to work alongside Commissioner Petersen to listen to our farmers and invest in the future of agriculture right here in Minnesota,” said Lt. Gov. Flanagan.
“It has been an honor to serve as commissioner these past four years, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside Gov. Walz, Lt. Gov. Flanagan, and all the dedicated MDA employees to strengthen and improve our ag economy,” said Commissioner Petersen. “Agriculture drives and shapes Minnesota, and I’m proud to represent our farmers, producers, and food makers in the four years to come.”
Before being appointed Commissioner, Petersen served as the Director of Government Relations for Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) from 2002 to 2019, working on behalf of MFU’s farmer-members in both Washington, D.C., and St. Paul.
Commissioner Petersen is a long-time resident of Royalton Township near Pine City. He and his wife, Alana, have two sons. The Petersens show horses around the state and have competed at the Minnesota State Fair for over 25 years.
Photo of Commissioner Petersen
The MDA’s mission is to enhance all Minnesotans’ quality of life by equitably ensuring the integrity of our food supply, the health of our environment, and the strength and resilience of our agricultural economy. The MDA has served the state for more than 125 years and the work of the department touches every Minnesota citizen every day. Learn more at
Media Contact
Allen Sommerfeld, MDA Communications
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is now accepting applications for the 2023 Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Value-Added Grant Program.
The program provides funding to help processors add value to Minnesota agricultural products by investing in production capacity, market diversification, and market access for value-added products.
Applicants must:
- Be an individual (including farmers), business, agricultural cooperative, nonprofit, educational institution, or local unit of government (including tribal governments) engaged in the processing of Minnesota agricultural products.
- Currently reside in Minnesota or be authorized to conduct business in Minnesota.
The MDA anticipates awarding approximately $1 million in this round of funding using a competitive review process. The maximum equipment award is $150,000, and the minimum award is $1,000. Grantees are responsible for at least 75% of the total project cost as a cash match.
The AGRI Value-Added Grant application must be received by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, through the MDA’s online application system. Decisions are expected in early May.
If a grant application submitted during the Fiscal Year 2023 AGRI Meat, Poultry, Egg, and Milk Processing Grant round was not selected, it will automatically be considered for this AGRI Value-Added Grant round.
For more information, visit the AGRI Value-Added Grant Program website.
Media Contact
Logan Schumacher, MDA Communications
Women in Ag Network Conference
240 23rd St SE
Willmar, MN 56201
Hosted by the University of Minnesota Extension. This year's theme is Building Resilience on your Farm and in your Family. During these unprecedented times, it is important to make time and connect with other women in agriculture. The focus of the conference is on connecting women in agriculture and providing them with the tools to strengthen their connection with other producers and consumers.
Monica McConkey, Agricultural Mental Health Specialist, is the keynote speaker.
Emerging Farmers' Working Group, March 10
The Emerging Farmers' Working Group (EFWG) meets regularly to advise the commissioner and legislature on programs and initiatives that support emerging farmers in the state. They work to identify and break down barriers which have historically prevented existing MDA programs from reaching underrepresented communities.
For this month's agenda and meeting invitation, follow the EFWG link above.