Information collected from this survey will be used to determine the potential risk to human health and the environment resulting from historical operation of former/abandoned agricultural chemical facilities. Participation in this survey is voluntary. You are not legally required to provide the MDA with the requested information and may refuse to do so. However, failure to submit the survey will limit the MDA’s ability to assess the potential risk related to the site in question. Survey responses will be considered public data unless information obtained in a survey results in an active civil investigation; in which case, the information submitted in the survey would be classified as “not public” data. “Not public” data is available only upon court order or upon request of a legislative auditor to review the data. In addition, data may be made public if the MDA determines that there is a substantive threat to human health and safety or to the environment, or if otherwise required by law.
If you have any questions regarding this survey please contact Paul Haiker at 651-201-6199.
Minnesota’s Seed Regulatory Program benefits from strong relationships with County Ag Inspectors. The program is conducting this survey to get feedback about how to improve the collaboration with our local partners across the state. Your response to this survey will be anonymous and will be summarized and reported at CAI District and Executive Board meetings as well as the CAI short course in July 2019. Please complete this survey by December 15th.
The 2019 request for proposals (RFP) for research related to clean water in agricultural areas of the State closed April 1