Does the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) apply to your facility?
Use the checklist to determine if your agricultural establishment is required to comply with the WPS. Compliance is required if all statements are true:
- You own or operate an outdoor or enclosed space production establishment, such as a farm, orchard, nursery, forest plantation, greenhouse or wind tunnel where pesticides are used in the production of plants for commercial or research purposes.
- Employees are hired who are not family members.
- You hire or contract with employees to work with plants and/or to apply pesticides.
- Pesticides have been applied to the production establishment site within the last 30 days and workers will be present within a quarter mile of the pesticide-treated area.
NOTE: If you apply agricultural pesticides on your establishment you may need to comply with some WPS provisions even if all statements above were not checked. Contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for additional information regarding the Worker Protection Standard.