The MDA is the authority regulating pesticide use in Minnesota. The MDA certifies applicators as qualified to obtain a license based on when he or she passes an initial test. The MDA issues different license types with specific categories depending on the intended application site.
On this page:
- Commercial Pesticide Applicator
- Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator
- Structural Pest Control Applicator
- Structural Pest Control Company
- Private Pesticide Applicator Certification
- Pesticide Applicator License Categories
Commercial Pesticide Applicator
Commercial pesticide applicator licenses are for anyone who applies any pesticide “for hire.” For hire means you charge or invoice for the service. To become licensed, an applicant must:
- New Applicators: Pay application and surcharge fees, these fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. MDA strongly encourages new applicators to apply online prior to the testing appointment. Otherwise complete the application form including the name, address (physical address and mailing address, if different) and phone number of your employer. Provide your social security number. Certify that the financial requirements are met. Confirm that that testing location can accept payments if approved by testing location bring the completed application and payment to the testing appointment. If the location does not accept payments on behalf of MDA you will need mail in the application form with payment to MDA, contact to obtain proof of payment before scheduling an exam.
- Schedule exams
- Renewing Applicators: licensed in the pervious calendar year will find renewal instructions on their renewal form. These fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. If the applicator is required to retest, you will need to bring the renewal form and payment or payment receipt to your testing appointment. To request a duplicate renewal form contact
Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator
Noncommercial licenses are for all pesticide applicators that apply Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) as part of their job on property owned or controlled by their employer; or for two or more governmental units sharing resources through a joint powers agreement. Any pesticide application to a golf course (RUP or general use) must be performed by a licensed applicator. To become licensed, an applicant must:
- New Applicators: Pay application and surcharge fee, these fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. MDA strongly encourages new applicators to apply online prior to the testing appointment. Otherwise complete the application form including the name, address (physical address and mailing address, if different) and phone number of your employer. Provide your social security number. Confirm that that testing location can accept payments if approved by testing location bring the completed application and payment to the testing appointment. If the location does not accept payments on behalf of MDA you will need mail in the application form with payment to MDA, contact to obtain proof of payment before scheduling an exam.
- Scheule exams
- Renewing Applicators: licensed in the pervious calendar year will find renewal instructions on their renewal form. These fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. If the applicator is required to retest, you will need to bring the renewal form and payment or payment receipt to your testing appointment. To request a duplicate renewal form contact
Structural Pest Control Applicator
Structural Pest Control Applicator licenses are for applicators that apply pesticides in, on, under, or around structures. See Structural Pest Control Requirements. To become licensed, an applicant must:
- Be employed by a licensed structural pest control company with a Master applicator.
- New Applicators: Pay application and surcharge fee, these fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. MDA strongly encourages new applicators to apply online prior to the testing appointment. Otherwise complete the application form including the name, address (physical address and mailing address, if different) and phone number of your employer. Provide your social security number. Certify that the financial requirements are met. Confirm that that testing location can accept payments if approved by testing location bring the completed application and payment to the testing appointment. If the location does not accept payments on behalf of MDA you will need mail in the application form with payment to MDA, contact to obtain proof of payment before scheduling an exam.
- Schedule exams, Categories include Master or Journeyman
- To become licensed as a Master, the applicator must work for at least two years as a licensed Journeyman.
- Fumigation Endorsement can be added to Master or Journeyman license.
- Renewing Applicators: licensed in the pervious calendar year will find renewal instructions on their renewal form. These fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable. If the applicator is required to retest, you will need to bring the renewal form and payment or payment receipt to your testing appointment. To request a duplicate renewal form contact
Structural Pest Control Company
Structural Pest Control Company licenses are for companies that employ a Master and Journeyman applicator. See Structural Pest Control Requirements. To become licensed, a company must:
- Apply online or complete and submit a New Structural Pest Control Company License Application Form and submit with payment to MDA. These fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable.
- Employ at least one licensed Master applicator.
- Provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance for employees.
Private Pesticide Applicator Certification
Private applicators apply pesticides to lands or sites they own, rent, or manage for the production of an agricultural commodity. Typically farmers and their families who apply restricted use pesticides to their land can apply for a Private Certification.
- Apply for a Certification at University of Minnesota Extension website
- Register, pay, and pass exam before October 31st
- See MDA details for Private Applicator Certification
Pesticide Applicator License Categories
Commercial and Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator License Categories
This table displays the categories that applicators can apply for when seeking a Commercial and Noncommercial pesticide applicator license.
Category Code | Commercial | Noncommercial | Category | Description |
A | Yes | Yes | Core | Basic principles of pesticide regulation and application; required for all licensed applicators |
B | Yes | Yes | General Aerial | Pesticide application with an aircraft |
C | Yes | Yes | Field Crops Pest Management | Herbicides, fungicides and/or insecticides to agricultural crops |
E | Yes | Yes | Turf & Ornamentals | Pesticides to non-agricultural areas or for ornamental propagation including lawns, parks, athletic fields, golf courses, nurseries, greenhouses. Note that fertilizer applications are licensed separately |
F | Yes | Yes | Aquatic | Pesticides to surface water or areas where water is present to control aquatic organism, plants |
H | Yes | Yes | Seed Treatment | Insecticides and fungicides to seed |
I | Yes | Yes | Anti-Microbial | Pesticide to HVAC ventilation systems, cooling towers and for indoor mold mitigation & remediation |
J | Yes | Yes | Forestry, Rights-of-Way, and Natural Areas | Pesticides to forestry (forested areas and forest plantations), rights-of-way (including roads, utilities, and ditch banks), and natural areas (prairie restoration, buckthorn removal) |
K | Yes | Yes | Agricultural Pest Control - Animal | Pesticides to farm buildings and farm animals |
L | Yes | Yes | Mosquito, Black Fly, Tick Pest Control | Pesticides for mosquito, black fly and tick pest control |
M | No | Yes | Food Processing Pest Management (Noncommercial) | Pesticides to food processing areas (not for-hire) |
N | Yes | Yes | Non-soil Fumigation | Fumigants and other pesticides to stored grain, processed grain, other commodities and facilities (fumigation endorsement for structural applicator OR private pesticide certification) |
O | Yes | Yes | Soil Fumigation | Pesticide to Soil (fumigation endorsement for private pesticide certification) |
P | Yes | Yes | Vertebrate Pest Control | Pesticides for vertebrate pest control (including repellents) |
Q | Yes | Yes | Wood Preservatives | Chemical wood preservatives to lumber such as utility poles, fence posts, structural lumber, and railroad ties |
R | Yes | Yes | Sewer Root Control | Pesticides for root control in sewer lines |
S | No | Yes | Noncommercial Structural | Pesticides on, in, under or around structures (not for-hire) |
Structural Pest Control Applicator License (SPCA) Categories
This table displays the categories that applicators can apply for when seeking a Structural Pest Control License (SPCA). The SPCA license is separate from a Commercial and Noncommercial license. Applicators seeking additional categories will need to also apply for a Commercial license.
Category Code | Category | Description |
A | Core | Basic principles of pesticide regulation and application; required for all licensed applicators. |
SPCA | Structural Master | Pesticide on, in, under or around structures with 2 years licensed experience. |
SPCA | Structural Journeyman | Pesticide on, in, under or around structures |
SPCA | Fumigant Endorsement | Fumigant in a structure, category N: Non-Soil Fumigation. |
Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Endorsement Categories
This table displays the endorsement categories available for persons that currently hold a Private Pesticide Applicator Certification. Private Pesticide Certification exams and recertification training are provided by the University of Minnesota Extension. Testing for endorsement categories is administered by the MDA.
Category Code | Category | Description |
Private | Endorsement: General Aerial (category) B | Pesticide application with an aircraft. |
Private | Endorsement: Non-Soil Fumigation (category N) | Fumigants and other pesticides to stored grain, processed grain, other commodities and facilities. |
Private | Endorsement: Soil Fumigation (category O) | Pesticide to soil. |